The Blog

Our space to chat about all things
interior, lifestyle, and travel.




Our space to chat about all things interior, lifestyle, and travel.


Nothing says summer better to me than the mountain lake house! That clean, crisp smell of the mountain air combined with the sun’s warmth and the crystal clear lake waters brimming with a touch of cool from the mountain stream all invoke dreams of lazy summer days.  The pure joy of jumping off the boathouse […]

Vikki Werbalowsky

September 10, 2021

Modern Comfort in a Mountain Lakehouse Remodel

lakehouse kitchen and dining room, blue and white with large windows and natural wood

The style of your furniture and accessories defines your interior design style. Finding contemporary sofas at every price range can be a challenge. When it comes to Contemporary design keeping the lines of your sofa clean with a curved or straight-edged helps achieve a contemporary design look. Natural color textured fabrics also add to a […]

Vikki Werbalowsky

Contemporary sofa

Eight Contemporary Sofas For Every Home

January 5, 2021